Thursday, October 9, 2008

things i learned last sunday night

1. Babies do make cute accessories. (This particular piece is called "Avery" and is available on loan from Josh and Erin.)

2. If you want a do right all day woman, you apparently have to be a do right all night man.

3a. You should check the lyrics of karaoke songs before you get on stage; and...

3b. The lyrics for "Wait" by Huffamoose are dirty.


  1. Yeah, REALLY dirty. No wonder you were pullin' that face.

  2. um. this was a most awesome moment.

  3. I love that song. And I feel dirty every time I scream those to the top of my lungs, whilst driving to anywhere. Which might be partly why I love that song...

    And I'm equally disturbed by and in love with another song on the same Huffamoose album, which is not nearly as dirty... "James says we're gonna change the world/ James says that I am his flower girl/ James and I, we're gonna make a difference/ Just wait and see, we're gonna set the world free."

    But back to "Wait"... as dirty as it is... it's dirty in a wonderfully poetic way, isn't it? Does that make it LESS dirty, or MORE so?

  4. Beautiful baby, by the way... Props to the DeBlolson Duo. Miss those friends.
